Learn about our services

  • We are able to forecast the carbon sequestration potential for your project from the earliest stages, using only shapefiles and basic project details you can get an early grasp on what is truly possible in terms of offsetting carbon.

  • We know carbon projects, and we know that project finance is a key element of a project’s ability to deliver.

    Using our internal database and project finance model we can tell you the state of your project’s financial health, how likely it is to deliver its objectives and a measure against industry benchmarks.

  • Our team has an extensive background in appropriate project development at all stages.

    This allows us to ensure documentation is sufficient prior to registration, the format is in line with market expectations, accurate analysis is completed and provide an objective, experienced view prior to submission.

Find your project’s

pitfalls early.

Interested in understanding your project’s risk at any stage of it’s life? Fill out some basic project details and we will be in touch shortly to let you know what services we can offer! We can't wait to hear from you!